Saturday, March 9, 2013

Impetigo Warning :(

I just wanted to let all of you mom's know that bring your kiddos to Musettes that I took one of my boys to Quick Care today (Saturday) and found out that he has Impetigo!! He was in the daycare on Thursday and had a bit of a rash around his mouth (I didn't think much of it since he had had a fever a few days before and then the rash appeared. Previous experiences proved that that meant he wasn't contagious anymore, and sso that's why I was there at practice.).
His symptoms started as this:
*Sunday afternoon- He didn't feel very good and said his tummy hurt. Low grade fever off and on through the night
*Monday - seemed normal with a low grade fever off an on. A little sluggish at times.
*Tuesday - woke up with a red rash around his mouth and on his cheeks. We thought that maybe he had   hand and foot. Fever was gone by this point and he was back to his energetic self.
*Wednesday - no changes. I was applying Melaleuca oil and neosporin
*Thursday - no changes. Still applying melaleuca and neosporin
*Friday - rash really started to itch and seemed to be more around his bottom lip. It was starting to crack, ooze and get crusty (sorry for the details). Nothing really seemed to be helping and it was really starting to hurt and bother him.
*Saturday - I decided to take him to Quick Care because it just wasn't looking good or right. I'm glad I did!! He started on antibiotics and we've been asked not to take him anywhere for about 5 days. Impetigo is very contagious and is caused by a staph or strep bacteria.
I am sooo sorry that we could have possibly shared this with your kids!! If you have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to call!

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